Lincoln Memorial incident with Catholic High School students portends end of legacy media and the United States

Lincoln Memorial incident with Catholic High School students portends end of legacy media and the United States

Chaos begins to settle from the disinformation surrounding the Covington Catholic High School students, Black Supremacists, and American Indian activists at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on January 18, 2019.  This column discriminates between lies and facts, adding to the many accurate analyses by independent media and journalists.  While independent media offered thought provoking and methodical analyses, three neglected narratives that stand out:

  • The insidious power of social media, specifically Globalist liberal Twitter endorsing false political narratives
  • Calls of violence against teenagers by Hollywood actors & actresses, political pundits, journalists, authors and influencers endorsed by Twitter and Legacy Media
  • Legacy Media’s complacency in their systemic failure of journalism and attempts to memory hole the story

The Incident

On January 18, 2019, near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C two rallies – the 2019 Indigenous Peoples March and the March for Life (an annual rally protesting both the practice and legality of abortion) were held.  A confrontation occurred precipitated by five Black Hebrew Supremacists, Covington Catholic High School teenage students (some of whom were wearing “Make America Great Again” hats) on an annual school trip to attend the March for Life anti-abortion rally, and Native American marchers attending the Indigenous Peoples March.

From longer video footage posted on January 20, 2019, the group of Black Supremacists calling themselves “Black Israelites” began “taunting and harassing people of all ethnicities, other black visitors, American Indians, and a Catholic priest” shortly after the end of the Indigenous Peoples March; during the commotion students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky arrived on the scene to wait for transportation on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Black Supremacists shouted racial insults and slurs at both the American Indians and the high school students.  They called the students “a bunch of incest babies”, future “school shooters”, and “dirty ass little crackers”, called African American students “niggers”, and said “you give faggots rights.”

Far from engaging in racially motivated harassment, the group of mostly white, MAGA-hat-wearing male teenagers remained relatively calm and restrained despite being subjected to verbal abuse by members of the bizarre religious cult Black Hebrew Israelites, lurking nearby. The BHI has existed since the late 19th century, and is best describes as a black supremacist cult movement; DC-area black Hebrews are known to spout particularly vile bigotry.

After this had gone on for a about 45 minutes, the boys asked their chaperones if they could chant school spirit songs so they didn’t have to listen to the abuse. The boys did not antagonize the blacks or American Indians.  The Black Hebrews pointed out the boys to the American Indian activists; a videos shows an agitator saying the boys were targeted partly due to some wearing red Make America Great Again (MAGA) hats associated with President Trump.  An American Indian activist was caught on tape yellingYou white people go back to Europe, this is not your land.”  A man named Nathan Phillips, continued into the group and marched directly up to one boy who was simply standing quietly and began drumming and chanting loudly inches from his face.

Fake Victim Narrative

News reports from every major media outlet went viral of how a mob of MAGA hat wearing white teens surrounded and harassed an American Indian elder named Nathan Phillips who was marching peacefully. Phillips said they subjected him to a barrage of racist taunts including “Build the Wall.”  As if chanting “Build the Wall,” in itself is “racist” but chanting “Black Lives Matter” is not?  American Indian activist Nathan Phillips said to the Fake News Media:

“It was getting ugly, and I was thinking: ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation and finish my song at the Lincoln Memorial,’ ” Phillips recalled. “I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way, and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn’t allow me to retreat.”

Mr. Phillips is a liar.  His account of the incident is a full blown lie, disseminated by mainstream news media.  Video evidence reveals it was American Indian activists who approached teenagers, moved directly within inches of one boy’s face, while his compatriots taunted the white Catholic high school kids with racial slurs.

American Indians play the media

Mr. Phillips also claimed he was a Vietnam Veteran and served as a “Marine Recon Ranger” during “Vietnam Times.”  Military veterans and independent journalists uncovered the lies and fraud behind Nathan Phillips’ stolen valor.  Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported on Tuesday that Phillips led a rally in an attempt to disrupt Mass at DC’s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Saturday January 19 around the time of the original incident.  Video footage of the Lincoln Memorial confrontation also clearly shows American Indians harassing the Covington students and shouting racial slurs at the teens. One American Indian “activist” clearly is antagonistic.

Watch Who really started this Indigenous People taunt Cov Cath boys.mp4 from cruciblemediatv on

The Native Youth Leadership Alliance is promoting Phillips’ fundraising campaign stemming from the incident with Covington Catholic High School.  The NYLA is funded by globalist donors like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Full Video Analysis

00:01-46:00: Black supremacists harass bystanders and American Indian activists
46:20: Black supremacists harass Roman Catholic priest
49:00: Black supremacists identify, harass and shout racial slurs at Catholic students – students are simply STANDING SILENTLY and observing
1:11: Covington Catholic students gather on steps near Lincoln Memorial chanting school spirit songs
1:12:30: American Indian activists led by Nathan Phillips march by Black supremacists who point out the Catholic students wearing their MAGA hats
1:13:00: Nathan Phillips pauses briefly  and walks right up to Catholic students drumming in their faces
1:14:00: Covington Catholic students begin jumping up and down, chanting
1:15:00-1:49:19: Black supremacists continue to harass and shout racial slurs at Covington Catholic students and bystanders

Video evidence proves the Covington Catholic High Schools were harassed continuously by Black Supremacists, and American Indian activists as both groups shouted racial slurs at the teens in MAGA hats.

Social Justice Soviets attack

Liberal and Conservative journalists attacked and condemned the Catholic teenagers wearing MAGA hats, Hollywood producers, actors & actresses threatened the teens, doxed them and in some cases encouraged violence and death.  Academics, pundits, and best-selling authors joined the contrarian e-celebrities pilloried teenagers simply for being white christians.  Once the full videos of the confrontation went viral, legacy media networks issue retractions and “corrections” while Social Justice Soviets on Twitter scrambled to delete posts calling for violence, death, and even shootings at Covington Catholic High School.

Racist Western Culture-hating Muslim leaders also called for violence against white Catholic Christian teenagers or perpetuated the fake news narratives:

The post-William F. Buckley era National Review erased their article comparing the Catholic MAGA teens to ‘Spitting On The Cross.’

Prosecutors in Kentucky are making good on promises to indict individuals threatening Covington Catholic High School.

Attorneys representing Covington Catholic High School students involved in the confrontation are proactively suing Legacy Media networks, Hollywood celebrity influencers, social media e-celebrities for libel and defamation.

This confrontation tells us, in 2019, how easy it is for false/incomplete narratives to go viral.  Twitter promoted the racist, anti-white, anti-Christian violent rhetoric of Liberal journalists, Hollywood celebrities, YouTube e-celebrities, political pundits, and authors.  This viral judgement of social media is chipping away at the veneer of Western Culture and Civilization.

Legacy Media has been exposed as actual Fake News.  The Second American Civil War is already underway, but combatants are waging the first battles in cyberspace.

– Crucible Media

Archived Sources:

False narrative

Social Justice Soviets & NeoCons scramble to purge online their content

Twitter promotes violence & death threats against Covington Catholic High School teens

American Indians play the media