Woke War on America – Cultural Marxism and the Commissars of Inclusion

Wokeism and its commissars of inclusion are the new state religion.   The religion of Wokeism is Cultural Marxism.

Woke-ism, Cultural Marxism, is the false promise of freedom from categorical laws of nature Western Civilization adopted into formal laws.  It is institutionalized lying by reputation-destruction (“canceling”), shaming, guilt, gossip, face (reputation) before Truth (Natural Law, evolution, science).  Woke-ism (Wokeness, being ‘Woke’) is feminist, emotional, illogical thinking.  Leftist/Marxist/feminist thinking baits into the false promise of freedom from Natural Laws of Man.

Leftism (feminist cognitive thought; face before Truth)-Cultural Marxism-Wokeism rebels against the iron logic of nature.  It is an Abrahamic-Judeo-Christian-Islamic (female dysgenic sophistic) polemic against the application of the Laws of Nature (Male eugenic evolution) to human affairs.  Marxism set out to undermine western civilization, fomenting conflict between classes; Judeo-feminists conflict between the sexes instead of agency; and Wokeism racial conflict against Western Culture.

Woke programs are nothing more than revolt against Western Civilization, our evolutionary progress, and achievements.  Natural Law in summary: struggle is the father of all things, virtue lies in the blood/eugenics, leadership (agency) is primary and decisive.  Wokeism/Cultural Marxism debased American government, athletics, academia, entertainment in making identity politics paramount, supplanting any unifying American identity.

The Woke’s core rebellions simmered in academic classrooms and universities to the commanding heights of society for decades.  Here in their classroom cauldrons Marxists stewed ideas that America is a deplorable, irredeemable nation, marked by and rooted in racism, sexism, colonialism – and not Western exceptionalism, achievement, evolution.

The Obama regime legitimized Cultural Marxism/Woke theology/critical race theory, later implemented in the current Biden (Obama) regime and mainstreamed in the commons.  If you dare to challenge Wokeism, you are excommunicated from American life— ‘canceled.’  Dissenting from the Woke orthodoxy makes you MAGAcast into a Hollywood-esque villain.

Woke Theology infiltrated state and local governments decades ago with the “Great Society” initiatives of progressive liberals. Cultural Marxism after a long march through state and local institutions encapsulated our federal government.  The federal government also effectively sponsors Wokeism through the cultural institutions it backs—that is, the social and cultural institutions we fund with our tax dollars.

Woke theology and its commissars of inclusion are the result of a planned and carefully executed campaign to destroy Western Culture.  Cultural Marxist programs began over century ago and did not spring fully formed from social media, Hollywood celebrities, or the death of George Floyd.  The Theology of Wokeism has sacred texts like “White Fragility” by Robin DeAngelo and “How To Be An Anti-Racist” by Ibram Kendi.

Woke Theology/Cultural Marxism contains its own vocabulary. “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion.” “Speaking your truth to power,” “lived experience,” “microaggressions,” “being an ally,” “decolonize,” “dismantle colonial/capitalist/western systems/white supremacy.”

By any name, Cultural Marxism/Theology of Wokeism/Democratic Socialism/Great Reset is eschatological – it is politically apocalyptic in that their “Workers Revolution” will solve all social and political problems according to the Woke/Marxist commissar.  Revolution is their rapture. You cannot reason with them; it is not like conservatism and liberalism.  It is deeper than that.  Woke theology is the product of over a hundred-year-long effort to tear down Western law, agriculture, farm, and trade, agency, culture.

Consider some of the signs that indicate the fast-accelerating ascent of Wokeism.

Already the Wokeists assault definitions; the definition of vaccination, the definition of a woman, economic definitions, until they eventually define (through neurolinks, Artificial Intelligence, nanotechnology) what it means to be human. Theology of the Woke, the Great Reset – seeks to limit growth, evolution, struggle–these are Nature Law.  Make no mistake this is not intellectual weakness; this is a power grab. If you accept there are no definitions, the Woke will define it for you, and you must obey.

 Businesses, entertainment, social media influencers, politicians use the progressive battle cry “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion.”  Diversity, Equity, Inclusion is another watchword for Marxism.  Equity is “fairness.”  In finance, equity is ownership of assets. Stock shares. During the Russian Civil War, private property was abolished. Councils redistributed land and equity, or “Soviets.”  Diversity, Equity, Inclusion is Communism by another name.

Commissars of Inclusion have already changed definitions, removed statues of historical figures, changed names of sports teams, removed “problematic” advertising imagery. Already they are dismantling “systems of white supremacy” – what they really mean is getting rid of Old Culture – what Chairman Mao Tse’Tung did when he murdered tens of millions of his own Chinese citizens.

State sponsorship of Wokeism continues to this day.

In one Oregon county, health officials mandated that citizens wear masks when unable to socially distance, but exemptedPeople of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public.”

In St. Louis, menacing protesters by the dozens were able to threaten a couple, the McCloskeys, at their home, without consequence. The police did not rush to the McCloskeys’ aid. In fact, after the husband and wife were recorded brandishing firearms to deter those descending on their home, authorities left them not only defenseless, but threatened to disarm them and throw them in jail.

Discovery Institute’s Christopher Rufo reported, in June 2022, the Offices of Minority and Women Inclusion covering numerous federal financial agencies—including, among others, the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve and Securities and Exchange Commission—jointly co-sponsored a diversity training program fostering “allyship amid the George Floyd tragedy” among white agency employees.

During the “Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion” training session, commissars instructed federal employees  to watch videos claiming that “virtually all white people…contribute to racism,” told it was “imperative” that “whites invest in race-based growth and development on topics such as systemic racism…unconscious bias…and contemporary ideology, such as anti-racism, intersectionality, white privilege and white fragility,” — directing advocacy for such views in a sub-section entitled, “Don’t perpetuate white silence.” American tax dollars paid for these federal training manuals, lining the pockets of a private sector “social justice activist.”

Frankfurt School

Woke theology started as Marxist programs in Germany, 1923 at the Institute for Social Research (German: Institut für Sozialforschung), at University of Frankfurt’s Goethe Institute.  German Marxists Friedrich Pollock, Max Horkheimer, and Carl Grünberg set up the Institute following the programs of Hungarian György Lukács and Italian Antonio Gramsci to change the western culture and then the workers would unite.

Following in Karl Marx’s footsteps, Lukács and Gramsci believed the revolution sweeping across Czarist Russia was unlikely to replicate political upheaval in Europe and America.  In the West, general prosperity and the complacency of socio-economic contentment would dull the working-class passion for a bloody Communist revolution. Lukács and Gramsci worked on the cultural and ideological sides of power.

In high trust Western nations, it was infeasible for a Marxist state to seize power through violent revolution; but more likely to develop through a slow, patient, incremental takeover of cultural institutions – the arts, entertainment, news media, and especially college universities.

The weapon used for Marxist revolution in the West was not a bloody economic revolt of an organized working class – but a “long march through the institutions” (coined by German Marxist Rudi Dutschke), whereby every social institution in the West becomes subverted through (Woke) infiltration.  University professors and Deans, Assistant Professors and tenured Ph.Ds., film producers, entertainers, artists, city council members, school board members became the new Commissars dedicated to destroying Western Culture.

In 1924 Gramsci positioned himself into head of the Italian Communist Party. He was arrested by the Fascist government in 1926, sentenced to 20 years in prison under newly enacted emergency laws. Gramsci died in prison on April 27, 1937. While in prison he wrote the core of Critical Theory, later becoming the core of leftist though – Woke Theology in America:

  • Cultural hegemony is a more important factor in maintaining capitalism than economic or political hegemony.
  • Cultural and social education of workers must be performed to create a class of worker-intellectuals capable of combating capitalism.
  • Civil society is distinct from political society. The latter rules through domination and coercion, whereas the former rules through normalization and consent.
  • A rejection of materialism (the primacy of the material world) in favor of a semi-mystical view of history, as well as a greater degree of cultural relativism.
  • Further critiques of economic determinism (the notion that economics is the primary driver of human history and civilization) and philosophical materialism (the philosophical claim that the material world is either the only reality or the most important one).

The Third Reich shut down the Institute for Social Research (German: Institut für Sozialforschung), at University of Frankfurt’s Goethe Institute in 1933.  Leading professors at the Frankfurt school packed up their programs and themselves, fleeing to America where they resettled mainly at Columbia University.

Jewish Marxist Herbert Marcuse fled Germany to Switzerland in 1933, emigrating in 1934 to the U.S. where he worked for the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency.  Marcuse taught at the University of California-San Diego from 1965-1970.  Marcuse regarded the realization of man’s erotic nature as the “true liberation of humanity.” Marcuse’s writings influenced his academic colleague C. Wright Mills, later a major Marxist activist in the 1960s.

Marcuse invented the concept of “partisan tolerance,” tolerance for leftist ideas and intolerance of all others.  The Frankfurt School’s American commissars inspired the activism of Jerry Rubin, Norman O. Brown, Abbie Hoffman, and Angela Davis – American Communists who advise a new generation of Marxists in the 21st century.

They injected a new virulent form of Marxism into America academia, facilitating this self-destruction by creating a new “proletariat” of “victim groups,” the bedrock of Woke Theology.  Commissars of inclusion worked to dismantle America using diversity and ‘multiculturalism’ as crowbars with which to pry the structure apart starting with the traditional family, and male agency.

The woke “long march through institutions” was identified by a former KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov:

  • Demoralization: This is whereby people are made to lose faith in their own culture and their institutions. Society is made to be something that is not worth fighting for.
  • Destabilization: During this phase, the culture and society itself are made unstable. A situation is created whereby “anything can happen” and people simply cannot rely upon things to be the same from one day to the next.
  • Crisis: The manufacturing of a large crisis about which “something must be done.”
  • Normalization: The “new normal.” The new way of doing things is normalized through constant propaganda that this is “just how the world is now.”

The Woke intersectional program has five foundations in America: LGBT-etc, feminism, social media/tech, blacks, and transgenderism.

The move to unite all various oppressed groups to one overarching theory of social justice coalesced under Kimberly Crenshaw, who invented the term “intersectionality,” how different parts of your identity, could compound your “oppression.”

Wokeism is not limited to the financial authorities. It has also crept into the U.S. defense apparatus, entertainment, academia, state sponsorship in local and federal government. Woke Theology – Cultural Marxism achieved its “long march through the institutions:”


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Wokeism’s long march through American institutions unmasked Progressive Liberals, who call themselves “Democratic Socialists.”  Progressive Liberals are Communists by any other name.  We must build unassailable walls around our borders, financial walls around our families, and a legal wall around our children to protect them from gender ideology that targets them.

The family constitutes the framework of a nation’s righteousness and prosperity.  America does not need more genders, America needs more rangers.  No drag queens, only marriages between a man and women. There is no freedom without order. Without order there is moral, cultural destruction.

The (Biden) regime is full throttle on Critical theory, and intersectional training using Federal, social, economic reach promoting anti-Western critical race theory, transgenderism, moving black Marxists to secure federal and military leadership positions, the playbook of Chinese Chairman Mao Tse’Tung’s Color Revolutions, Great Cultural Leap Forward, or “Build Back Better” in America.

The Woke commissars of inclusion are not stopping with their Marxist “long march through the institutions” – they have control of the federal government, and they will not give up power. The Right must play by its own rules.  The Marxist woke program will not destroy America through bloody Revolutions like the Russian Revolution of 1917 or Cuban Revolution of 1958.

The woke commissars are waging a Culture War on all fronts. Power is a zero-sum game.  Cultural Marxism – Wokeism is not a political issue….it is more insidious and dangerous — it is the enemy within.


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