Diversity is not a strength.  Natural order is prejudiced.  The world should be multicultural. A multicultural world is a rich world.  A multicultural country is a dysfunctional country.  Western Civilization is a tradition of excellence.  The uniqueness of Western Civilization stems from an ethnic and cultural heritage.  What we see before the world stage today, the result of art, science, law, beauty, philosophy, and their proficiency is exclusively the creative mind of European-derived peoples.

Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Brahms, Julius Caesar, Marcus Aurelius, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, Da Vinci, Darwin, Van Gogh, Picasso, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Dickens, Hemingway, Poe, Telsa – these builders did not come from Arabia, Asia, or Africa.

Culture depends on the man. Without a certain culture of aristocratic egalitarianism, there is no proficiency or reciprocity in governance or law.  Culture should be the paramount and final concern of Europe-derived peoples.  Is culture and race a “social construct,” and product of environment?  The truth of inequality is the unforgiving natural order.  The harshness of environment instigates one race a disposition for the highest achievements, and another to destitution (Sub-Saharan Africa).  All great cultures of the past perished because the original creative race’s miscegenation.

Multicultural ethnic blocs cannot exist cohesively under a majority population group who had founded and maintained its culture, laws, and economic life.  Such declines in the past were always the forgetting that culture depends on men, and not the reverse.  Meaning, in order to preserve a certain culture, the men who created it have to be saved.  Japanese culture could not sustain itself under rule of the Russian.  Irish and Scottish culture cannot sustain itself under rule of the Arab, and so forth.  Preserving culture is always bound to the brazen law of reciprocity.  The right of achievement and victory belongs to he who would fight to live in a world of eternal struggle.

European-derived peoples are the prometheus of mankind, their divine spark is seen throughout the world in their explorations and conquest. The Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Saxons – we see their exploratory heritage across all corners of mankind.  Our peoples should forever re-kindle the fires in arts, science, philosophy which lightened nights of silent secrets and made us climb outward towards the stars.

A man’s mind cannot climb the heights of his greatest achievement without steps.  For every step forward to the future, a man must have his foundation in the past.  Men cannot have a foundation in the past if his past is not protected. Today, Globalists assail European-derived men (and women) with safe zone watchwords – Orwellian maxims – false humanitarianism, the guilt-ride of Abrahamic altruism.  European-derived peoples of the world are awakening, realizing they have been defrauded by diversity and multicultural society through open-borders immigration.

Immigration has become soft strategic invasion, invasion a migratory subversion. France and Germany are a hundred times more colonized than their exploratory cultures colonized.  Globalist media outlets brag about Open Borders emigration into European homelands as non-reciprocal economic and cultural replacement.  Current events in Italy, France, Germany, and now the massive influx of Turkish and Syrian “refugees” into Greece amount to irreversible colonization – a demographic one, that takes place via population transfer.

Neo-Liberalism and American style Civic Conservatism are two sides of the same Globalist playing card.  Civic Conservatives, like “Neo-Liberals,” advertise to the working class “legal immigration” into a productive society.  The Globalist (Progressive, and the NeoCon) will approach the worker under the pretense of false altruism, and indignation at economic disparity.  He then stimulates the need for “social justice” now in its final solution of “intersectionality” – antagonistic hatred towards heterosexual Western men who have been favored by fortune and bravery.  The Globalist now implants his Marxist theory disguised as “Progressive thought.”

Open Borders immigration becomes a paralysis of nation and culture, in short, parasitism.  Ask the Tibetan peoples about ethnic replacement, notably by Marxists.  If race is a “social construct,” then how are we all the same?  If “diversity is a strength,” why is it being promoted in Europe as a reparation for colonialism?  The highest function of a nation is to preserve those elements supplying culture: law, art, philosophy & religion, science.  What Globalists try to force upon homogenous nations today is a deep human aberration with endless parasitism.

Social Justice Soviets decry strict immigration policies and nationalist attitudes. Multiculturalism is a strength they say, but European-derived peoples in non-European lands is “colonialism.”  If there is no such thing as “race,” according to Progressives, how do they explain “white privilege?”  According to their fashionable ideology, European nationalism is “evil” responsible for horrors of genocide, slavery, economic disparity, “climate change” and whatever is fashionable in the ‘Current Year.’

It does not matter that Arabs under the banner of Islam operated a slave trade in Africa for over 1,000 years, or that China colonized lands of ethnic minorities and massacred them (Tibet, Korea), or that Aztecs enslaved other ethnic groups for centuries practicing human sacrifices, or American Indians slaughtered and enslaved each other; no, Western intrusion into non-European lands is the ultimate sin!

It was Europeans not the Africans, Muslims, Arabs, Chinese, or American Indians that ensured slavery would be abolished throughout the civilized nations.  European-derived peoples and the West face replacism; normalized, interchangeable “diversity” via low-cost labor: Europe by Africa, men by women, men and women by robots,  humanity by a drugged trans-humanism that has strayed far from it’s scientific application.  The immigration crisis in Europe and the Americas is ethnic substitution, a Great Replacement by de-culturing, by censorship, by repression and permanent injections of self-hatred.

Mass immigrations from Africa, Latin America, South Asia, the Middle East, in the past few decades to Europe, Canada, and America are a soft military invasion, sans military assets. The strategy is different but the result is ethnic replacement by parasitism.  Europeans created the greatest civilizations.  We must never apologize for its past history, greatest conquerors, explorers, empire builders.  The West should never be sorry for building Canada, Australia, America.

What does a population do when it’s being ruled by an exogenous group that arrived without consent or permission?  Africans, Arabs, South Asians, (not all) are racially insecure. They emigrate to Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, America because of quality of life.  Immigrants cannot acknowledge that quality of life is better thanks to European-derived peoples.  Acknowledging European (Western) culture means acknowledging superior accomplishments. This forces introspection, which inevitably leads to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.

Envy requires denial.  The late Samuel P. Huntington, political scientist and author, known for his Clash of Civilizations theory, described multiculturalism as “basically an anti-Western ideology.” According to Huntington, multiculturalism had “attacked the identification of the United States with Western civilization, denied the existence of a common American culture, and promoted racial, ethnic, and other subnational cultural identities and groupings.”
(Huntington, Samuel P., The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1996 ISBN 0-684-84441-9)

“Ethnic diversity is increasing in most advanced countries, driven mostly by sharp increases in immigration. In the long run immigration and diversity are likely to have important cultural, economic, fiscal, and developmental benefits. In the short run, however, immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital. New evidence from the US suggests that in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down’. Trust (even of one’s own race) is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friends fewer.”

Putnam, Robert D. (June 2007). “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the twenty-first century“. Scandinavian Political Studies. 30 (2): 137–74. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x. The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture.

Mass immigration reduces wages in almost every sector for the simple reason that people from countries with very low standards of living are comfortable with low wages.  Unless Americans join history’s legion of extinct societies, we must be brutally honest on the immigration crisis.  We must choose truth over face, and false humanitarianism promoted in mass media and social networking.

Economic and social “safety nets” were non-existent for immigrants before The Immigration Act of 1965.  Immigrating to America was seldom an easy feat.  European immigrants crossed oceans on ships, risking death.  As a whole, old-style immigration was largely beneficial for Old America.  

Global Socialism cannot work under the false pretense of diversity and multiculturalism because it takes away from the most productive people.  Socialism can only work in high-IQ, high-trust (European) homogeneous societies.

The 1965 Immigration Act was a dramatic break with the past.  It deliberately ignored the desirability of maintaining existing, predominantly European, demographic, it ignored questions about the ability of immigrants successfully to assimilate into the America; it blatantly ignored the enormous problems likely to arise from an increase in crime, poverty, disease, and ethnic conflicts.

European-born immigrants made up 75% of American immigrants in 1960, but that percentage dropped to only 11 percent in 2014.  According to a Yale study, there are 16 million and 30 million illegal immigrants in the United States.

There is a nationwide black nationalist African American community led by African Americans who are leaders because they function foremost as race leaders.  They advocate for the collective needs of the African-American communities.  There are no leaders of this caliber for European-derived peoples in the United States.  Americans have “Conservative,” Republican leaders who acquiesce to civic nationalists and Globalists with ‘America First’ rhetoric.  America’s European heritage is not cause for shame, as the multiculturalists would have it, but for intense pride.

Nature dictates survival of the fittest, yet Globalist “progressives” demand a world of survival of the least fit. An elite number of wealthy “philanthropists” from America’s progressive utopia, California, have a direct hand in the immigration crisis.  Wealthy “philanthropists” like Bill and Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, the Walton family (owners of Walmart), Michael Bloomberg, George Soros have been busy saving all the babies in Africa and India with vaccinations and free food and medicine.

The African and Indian moms took his food and medicine but not the birth control, and continue to birth 4-9 babies per woman. Twenty years later Africa and India have huge surplus population growth. Africans start mass emigrations to Europe, Indians to the U.S. in the name of low-cost labor championed by “Progressives” and Civic Conservatives.  Globalist “philanthropists” get enough H1B for migrants and refugees, or enough African migrant boats to Europe.  The end result will be a systemic collapse of Western political and social systems.

The West will eventually be overrun by a people with the lowest average IQ and highest propensity for violence, lacking creative drives, or the ability build or grow anything, but only to consume and reproduce.  This is the status of non-Western governance in failed states specifically Haiti, Pakistan, Yemen, India, and sub-Saharan Africa.  Immigration developments that are unfolding before our eyes are not a fluke, but the beginning of a new political realignment in the United States that is increasingly focused on racial demographics.

As a society becomes more diverse, ethnicity begins to play a growing role.  The term for this is Balkanization.  Politics and nationalist movements that are explicitly ethnically-based usually do not appear until a nation has become more diverse and has begun to suffer extreme polarization. Nationalist movements are often a prelude to civil war or partition.  Political lines are clearly drawn between a Conservative Trump base that believes in the old America and Leftists who explicitly want to replace it.

After the 2016 Presidential Election chaos, the 2020 Elections, and Chinese Coronavirus pandemic, it is apparent that the United States will not be going back to “business as usual.”  According to Pew Research, from 1992-2016, 87% of African-American voters, 63% of Hispanic voters, 66% of Asian voters vote Leftist (Liberal).

Based on current demographic growth, voting data, immigration policies, Texas and Arizona will flip permanently Democrat by 2024, 2028 at the latest.  Supporting legal mass immigration from Latin America is political suicide for American Conservatives.  Donald J. Trump will be the last “Republican” President.  If you disagree with my analysis, remember Reagan Conservatives made the same argument against California turning permanently Democrat in the Electoral College.  California will never flip back to Republican in the E.C.

Why should the Republican Party and its Civic Nationalists work to win Hispanic voters?  Primary Catholic Hispanic voters should naturally support Conservative policies, but demographically this has never been the case.  The United States must consider permanent political separations with Leftists, or face a bloody Balkanized domestic conflict, another revolution or Civil War, fought in 4th-Gen warfare.  A majority of Americans, 67% believe the nation is nearing civil war, according to a new national survey.

“A majority of Americans believe that we are two-thirds of the way to being on the edge of civil war. That to me is a very pessimistic place,” said Mo Elleithee, the executive director of Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service.

Mainstream media, and social networking platforms now openly discuss Civil War, or a Balkanized American conflict.  Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who enables child sex-trafficking on his Twitter platform, shared an article calling for Leftists to ultimately defeat and permanently marginalize Conservatives.  Primarily white Conservatives will not accept powerlessness resulting from immigration handing Leftists permanent national governance.  After the inevitable demographic shift that turns Arizona and Texas Blue, handing Leftists permanent national mandate, American Conservatives will turn to bullets over ballots.

Cicero spoke of concordia ordinum, of an unanimity of opinion in certain ultimate matters. This concord, wrote Cicero, is “the best bond of permanent union in any commonwealth.”   The unanimity of Western Civilization, a single European bond in law, philosophy, religion; a manifest destiny to explore, expand, conquer.

The outbreak of the Chinese Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic demonstrates that borders are critical.

Illegal and legal migrations to Western homelands has reached a crucible…
























Homeland Security: Border Security Key to curbing Chinese Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 2020 – Forbes: 62% of Americans want border closed

February 2020 – Greyhound to stop allowing immigration checks on their buses

Axios: ‘Not a Single’ Demographic Trend ‘Favors Republicans’ in Elections

Shifting demographics are Republicans’ single biggest threat – Axios

Fiscal Year 2018 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Report

America’s majority minority future

America’s sweeping tide of diversity

ICE Reports Confirm: It’s Time To End The Sanctuary Cities Scandal

Red State Democrat Governors Approve More Refugees for Their States

Muslim “journalist” Mehdi Raza Hasan racist anti-white tirade on social media

Mexican Media Mogul, De La Fuente, and sons arrested in Arizona on charges of money laundering, fraud

December 2019 – Mayors Ask Trump to Import More Refugees to U.S. for ‘Cultural Diversity’

Yale Study: Illegal immigrant population likely double, possibly triple previous estimates

Before the Trump administration separated immigrant families, it was common practice under Obama

May 2019 – Large group of 231 migrants apprehended at Arizona border

April 2019 – 111 Central American migrants cross Arizona border

March 2019 – 76,000 migrants entered through southwest border in February – most in 12 years says CBP

February 2019 – National Guard assists with apprehension of 75 migrants near Arizona border

January 2016 – Report: Obama Administration Handed Child Migrants Over to Human Traffickers

June 2018 – Arizona border agents find 18 migrants smuggled in box truck

June 2018 – Spain rescues more than 900 boat migrants

Germany Migrants’ rape epidemic

February 2019 – 103 illegal aliens arrested at Arizona border; CBP alarmed at uptick in border crossings by large groups

Hundreds of Haitians, Africans wade through Rio Grande, stroll into USA carrying luggage!

February 2020 – Iraqi Immigrant arrested in Phoenix, Arizona on charges of terrorist ties to al’Qaeda


August 2019 – Drug Smugglers Arrested in Arizona Desert with 820 Pounds of Marijuana


July 2019 – 2 refugees from Somalia arrested in Tucson, Arizona accused of providing support to ISIS

December 2019 – Remain in Mexico: Out of 47,000 asylum applications, only 11 qualified

November 2019 – Women killed in Mexican cartel murders had alleged ties to sex cult Nxivm

April 2019 – FBI investigating arms deals between Antifa and Mexican cartels at U.S.-Mexico border in December

The Conservative Base (Not Elite) Has Embraced Trumpism—Time For Trump To Follow Suit

May 2018 – Caged Migrant Children Photo Goes Viral As Left Rages At Trump; Except It Happened Under Obama

Citing Trump, Minneapolis Somali Refugee nonprofit rejects $500,000 counterextremism grant

Pakistan promises ‘cold-blooded’ response to Trump’s abrupt aid cut










