Black Lives Matter Communists spew anti-White hatred – Arizona State University

Black Lives Matter Communists abused white students studying at Arizona State University, say ‘white people have no culture!’  Disciplinary actions against the Black students were dropped by the University.

A viral video filmed by three black lives matter Communists shows black students abusing white students studying on campus. The September 23 video shows Mastaani Qureshi, Sarra Tekola, and Miriam Araya harassing two white peer students studying in a new Arizona State University “multicultural study space.”  Tekola, Mastaani, and Araya verbally and violently harassed two white students, one had a “police lives matter“ sticker, and the second white student wore a t-shirt saying he did not vote for Joe Biden.

According to the university webpage, the Multicultural Communities of Excellence space was designated “to provide a sense of place and support for students of color.”  Is White not a color?  Tekola on video, states that white people do not have the right to study in the space, nor is “white a culture.”

In video of the encounter, the two white students inform the Tekola and Qureshi, “We’re just tryin’ to school” and “It’s just a sticker.” Tekola replies “But this is our space […] you’re making this space uncomfortable.” Tekola continues her tirade: “You’re white! Do you understand what a multicultural space– it means you’re not being centered!” One of the white students replies “White isn’t a culture?” Tekola tells him “No, it’s not a culture! White is not a culture!” She screeches: “This is the violence that ASU does and this is the type of people that they protect! This white man thinks he can take up our space … they think they can get away with this shit!”

The two white students refused to leave the common study space to which Tekola cries, “if you have any consideration for people of color and our marginalized lives…”

Qureshi interrupts, dictating where whites may and may not study in public university facilities “…the second floor, the first floor, the whole MU, every single part of the campus centers, you, this is the only space that you’re not centered. And you’re still trying to set yourself, which is peak white, cis male, bullshit.

She continues her diatribe, “You are racist, your stickers are racist because police, that’s a job. You can choose to be a police… I don’t choose to be black. Okay. No, you can choose to be a cop. You can choose to kill people with a badge and you’re protecting that shit, which means that you’re racist.”

The student with the ‘police lives matter’ sticker attempts to diffuse the abuse by apologizing which he should not have (never ever apologize to Leftists), “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to…” before being cut off again by Tekola:  “I know, I know, but this offends us automatically because these people kill people like me and like us. Right. So, you’re promoting our murders. So please just don’t do that,” she cries. “Because do you understand that police lives matter was in response to Black Lives Matter?”

Tekola, Qureshi, and Araya were all representatives of something called the ASU Multicultural Solidarity Coalition, which issued a response to the viral video.  Naturally, the black females were the generic victims, according to the responses by Students for Socialism condemned the heinous attack by “whites,” and the Young Democratic Socialists deplored the “white nationalist rhetoric” of “Police Matter” sticker which “infringed” on a multicultural space.

The Multicultural Solidarity Coalition claims in their statement released on Sept. 24. “We understand ‘blue lives matter’ to be an explicit rejection of the Black Lives Matter movement and therefore an overt threat to Black lives. In the new multicultural centers, we will not tolerate people entering with racist slogans to intimidate and antagonize historically and currently marginalized students.” How do these Black Marxists intend to prevent students from entering facilities in a public university?

Tekola identifies herself as a Ford Fellow on her social media accounts and official Arizona State University website that states that she was named a Ford Foundation fellow in August 2018.  The Ford Foundation is a breeding ground for Leftist extremism and endowments to Marxists organizations.  An investigative reporter recently revealed the Ford Foundation’s endowments to Marxist groups.

Tekola in typical Race Marxism doublespeak, claims to represent oppressed “people of color” yet is a Ph.D. candidate and fellow in a multi-million dollar “scholarly” foundation. Woe, the oppression she must experience daily in a university environment that caters to Marxists and blacks.

An “investigation” by Arizona State University found Sarra Tekola and Mastaani Qureshi violated the “interfering with University activities” policy of the student code of conduct. The third student, Miriam Araya, was not found responsible for any violations.

Due to Tekola and Qureshi’s violations, the A.S.U. gave them a warning and instructed the two students to write a “reflection” on how to deal with a similar situation in the future and “facilitate a civil dialogue” about the purposes of a multicultural space.  Would the circumstances be similar if white students harassed and abused black students in a similar manner, going so far as to say ‘black is not a culture?’ If white students were the ones harassing and abusing black students, they would have been expelled by the university amidst black outrage.

Tekola, Qureshi, and Araya’s harassment was Race Marxist abuse directed at an innocent student who did nothing other than show up to school that he pays for and study in an area he has every right to study in.

Tekola has previous arrests in 2020 during the Marxist Color Revolution rioting against Phoenix Police, charged with 2 counts of misdemeanor “obstructing a public thoroughfare,” and 2 counts felony “Tampering with physical evidence/Hindering Prosecution.” Tekola’s Black Lives Matter comrades all were charged with multiple felonies for rioting, assault with a deadly weapon/instrument, and resisting arrest.

Tekola’s case info is located in the Maricopa County Superior Court Docket as #CR2020-130075. Tekola and her associates in the video have documented ties to violent extremist Marxist gangs who engaged in rioting and assault against Police.

This is the academic environment Arizona State University fosters with “inclusiveness and diversity” – violent Black Lives Matter terrorists.
