Journalist Travels to Ilhan Omars Homeland to Prove Somalia is Beautiful, Debunk Trumps shithole comments – Gets Killed by Islamic Terrorists.

In January 2018, President Donald Trump echoed the sentiment on the minds of many decent hard-working Americans who are concerned their country is becoming a third world nation due to unchecked immigration from non-white countries and the failure of Liberalism.  During a White House meeting, President Trump reportedly questioned questioned why the United States should accept immigrants from “shithole countries,” referring to Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to a Washington Post report citing two sources briefed on the meeting.  Unreliable mainstream media journalists confirmed President Trump’s alleged comments.

The comment came during negotiations on immigration with a bipartisan group of Congressman seeking to resolve the fate of a group of immigrants whose protection from deportation under Obama’s “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program is being phased out by the Trump administration.  In 2018 The Trump administration ended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 200,000 Salvadorans for 45,000 Haitians and 2,500 Nicaraguans. The program also covers immigrants from Honduras, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

In July 2019, responding to criticism from Ilhan Omar, who is a refugee from Somali and committed fraud to win a 2018 election to the U.S. Congress, President Trump posted on Twitter:

Ilhan Omar and her comrade Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who herself was a paid actress-activist hired by Justice Democrats to easily win an open Congressional District in 2018) hate America and routinely insult the American people.  Ilhan Omar was born in Mogadishu and repeatedly blasts America her host country for “murdering tens of thousands of Somalis.” In a column for The Federalist, retired Sgt. Maj. Kyle Lamb, who fought in the battle, explained everything wrong with Omar’s sickening tweet.  “The purpose of American involvement in Somalia was to protect the peacekeepers tasked with the near-impossible mission of delivering vital food and medical supplies to the starving, war-torn population,” Lamb explained.

Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia is one of the most pestilent, famine and war-ravaged place on Earth, hence a “shithole.” Virtually all of the “intersectional” social justice and political narratives have their foundation in one idea: white people are bad.  If by securing and defending our borders from anti-Western infestations of criminals, terrorists, and parasites, we are “nazis” who deserve imprisonment or death (prison or death is exactly what the Left means when they call Conservatives “nazis”), then self-defense is morally justified and necessary.  Everything the modern Left does is anti-Western, anti-white.

Hodan Nalayeh, a Somali-born Canadian journalist traveled to Somalia last week to prove Somalia is “beautiful” and to challenge ‘stereotypes’ ended up being killed by Islamic terrorists.  Hodan Nalayeh returned to Somalia, the place of her birth, to document the beauty and to tell “uplifting” stories.

Nalayeh often tweeted about Somalia and just last week posted pictures showing how much fun she was having in Kismayo and the neighboring island of Ilisi.  “It’s so clean & breathtaking. A perfect place for a day swim with the family,” Nalayeh tweeted just two days before she was killed.

On July 12, al-Shabaab terrorists stormed Asasey Hotel in Kismayo. 26 people were killed in the terrorist attack and Hodan Nalayeh, 43, and her husband were among the fatalities.  Nalayeh was pregnant when she was killed by Somali al-Shabaab Islamic terrorists.

So this Somali journalist pretty much proved President Trump’s point that Ilhan Omar is ‘lucky to be here’ (even though she defrauded US immigration to come here).
