Amazon bans books on reparative therapy by pioneering therapist Dr. Joseph Nicolosi

LGBT-Pedophile activists led by Rojo Alan pressured Amazon to ban books by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi through their campaign of GSRRM – (G)ossiping (S)haming, (R)allying, (R)idicule, (M)oralizingin addition to common used Liberal tactics of (R)eputation destruction in order to achieve social approval, or consent – instead of truth.  “Amazon has removed the books of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the psychologist whom critics have dubbed ‘the father of conversion therapy,'” reports LifeSiteNews. “In other words, for claiming that change is possible for those who experience unwanted same-sex attraction, Dr. Nicolosi’s books must be banned.”

“The main book in question was one called ‘A Parents Guide To Preventing Homosexuality’ by Joseph Nicolosi,” reports Pink News. “Rojo Alan wrote to Amazon several times asking it to remove Nicolosi’s books. After receiving no response, Alan made a Facebook post on May 31 calling for Amazon and Wordery to take down ‘a number of homophobic books.’ Wordery, according to Alan, responded within 24 hours and removed the books from its listings.”

Dr. Nicolosi, who died in 2017, was a devout Catholic and licensed clinical psychologist and academic, who rejected the fatalism of the premise that people are “born gay” and have no choice. Homosexuality, he believed, is an adaptation to trauma; it is rooted in a same-sex attachment problem that leaves the boy alienated from his true masculine nature.

He assisted hundreds of clients with their goal of reducing same-sex attractions and exploring their heterosexual potential through the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, which had a staff of seven therapists handling about 135 cases a week of people from around the world and the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), which he co-founded.

Until recently, distinguished members of the American Psychological Association (APA), like its former president, Dr. Robert Perloff, commended Nicolosi’s books and condemned the takeover of the APA by special interests groups like the gay lobby.

“The policies and resolutions of organizations such as the APA, and probably the American Psychiatric Association as well, would be better framed and more truthfully based were these organizations cognisant of, and open to, the sentiments promoting reparative therapy,” wrote Perloff in his foreword to Nicolosi’s Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy, published in 2009.
