The election of President Donald J. Trump in 2016 opened up irreparable wounds in the psyche of liberals, and many conservatives.  Social Media publishers (deceptively calling themselves technology platforms) in Silicon Valley are conducting mass censorship and de-platforming against conservatives.  The first waves of Bolshevist censorship against conservative commentators began in summer 2017.  Silicon Valley realized  that they just might lose everything if they hold back and allow alternative conservative networks to reach the masses without serious opposition.  At the start, it became evident, Silicon Valley and their social justice soviet puppetmasters were just lashing out like a wounded beast.

In 2019, another wave of de-platforming struck thousands of conservative YouTube accounts with subscriber counts in the hundreds of thousands.  Anti-white YouTube executive Sundar Pichai defended their Soviet-style crackdowns against Conservatism:

“It’s also a hard societal problem because we need better frameworks around what is hate speech, what’s not, and how do we as a company make those decisions at scale, and get it right without making mistakes.”

In June 2019, YouTube’s Soviet-style restrictions on Conservatives and pro-white commentary tightened with even more Orwellian censorship:


  • YouTube says this will prohibit, for example, videos that promote Nazi ideology.
  • It also says it will bar videos that deny the existence of “well-documented violent events” like the Holocaust or the Sandy Hook shootings.
  • The company expects thousands of videos and channels will be taken down as a result of this change.

For many social justice soviets, this was not enough. Vox editors wrote YouTube, demanding censorship of anyone criticizing LGBT-P communities.  It is never enough with Liberalism which is now a dangerous cancer called intersectionality.  In September 2019, YouTube claims it removed more than 100,000 videos marked as “hate speech” under the platform’s new Soviet-style restrictions against “bigoted and supremacist” content.  Content Creators observe that “Rap” and “Hip-Hop” videos promoting violence against police officers, whites, and drug use, black nationalist content like Nation of Islam videos from Minister Louis Farrakhan remain untouched.

Google-owned YouTube Soviets also removed more than 500 million comments for “hate speech,” double the amount of removals in the first quarter of the year. Overall in second quarter 2019, YouTube removed more than 4 million channels — mostly for violating its Bolshevik-style policies against pro-white (European) content — and more than 9 million videos.

The Bolshevik-style restrictions came in waves after YouTube in June updated its hate speech policies to ban videos that promote “extremist ideologies,” such as “white supremacy or caste superiority.”  Zionist groups, radical Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Nation of Islam have content that remain untouched.  The policy change also banned content that promotes “conspiracies” leaving non-political channels and their creators in a fog, as to what constitutes a “conspiracy.” Channels with UFO related content concerning extraterrestrials, or discussions about vaccinations will no doubt be sacrificed to digital Silicon Valley Soviets.

YouTube while cracking down on political content questioning Leftist narratives was fined $170 Million for illegally profiting from children’s personal data.  In the midst of YouTube’s Soviet-style restrictions against content that questions Leftist narratives, the company’s algorithms pushed videos with children to pedophiles.

In a blog post, YouTube said that it was reducing recommendations. “We expanded our efforts from earlier this year around limiting recommendations of borderline content to include videos featuring minors in risky situations,” it said. “While the content itself does not violate our policies, we recognize the minors could be at risk of online or offline exploitation.”

Shortly before removing “borderline content,” or content that questions political correctness and liberal narratives, Google fired software engineer Mike Wacker who went on Fox Business tv to discuss the company’s “outrage mob.”

President Trump has even chimed in, claiming his administration is “monitoring” that anti-white anti-conservative bias on social media publishers.  According to reports,Trump would change FCC rules how Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is implemented.  This law defines what is a publisher and what constitutes technology platforms.

Silicon Valley’s Soviet-style crackdowns on constructive dialogue only exposes anti-white (European), anti-Western narratives, further emboldening the Dissident Right. As those without a voice lose the ability to engage in the nation’s political dialogue, the Far Right’s vindication grows in those willing to overthrow failing political structures.
