Jewish writer Noah Berlatsky NBC News diatribe is latest in anti-white hatred

Jewish freelance writer Noah Berlatsky has a history of racial oriented anti-Western, and most notably, anti-white sentiment in his commentaries on culture, entertainment, and politics.  Berlatsky is a graduate of Oberlin College​, Class of 1993, where he majored in History and Creative Writing. He also holds a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Chicago, well known for producing a long academic stream of Cultural Bolsheviks.  Berlatsky has a history of racial bias against Caucasians and has written extensively on feminist theory and the problems of “toxic masculinity” and the “over-representation” of white men in social institutions, pop culture, and entertainment.

In a 2014 piece in the Atlantic, Berlatsky laments the role of whites in ending slavery and excessive portrayal of “merciful” whites in Hollywood films about slavery (which he thinks there are not enough of).



Of course Berlatsky’s graduate level education at the University of Chicago must have failed to educate him on the fact that hundreds of thousands of white Christian Americans sacrificed their lives to end slavery in the American Civil War.   White guilt brings in subscribers, followers, clicks, and ad revenue therefore it is easy to understand why this piece would be popular with Social Justice Soviet media.  Alarmingly centered in the picture is Daniel Day Lewis in his brilliant portrayal of President Abraham Lincoln.  Berlatsky felt President Lincoln “flexes his cheeks in an excess of folksy, canny, oleaginous self-regard as Lincoln” and that

“Black people are oppressed by bad white people. They achieve freedom through the offices of good white people. Happy ending.”

Yes this is exactly what happened.  White Christians fought and slaughtered one another to end slavery, hundreds of thousands of white Christian men died so blacks could be free…..slavery was ended through the blood of whites which almost dissolved the Union.

Berlatsky also cries foul over an imagined pop-culture fandom Neo-Nazi hysteria over black characters replacing iconic roles held for generations by whites in film, television, and comics.


Fans of comic books, television, and films are justified in expressing dismay over “remaking” and “re-imaging” iconic long-standing characters with blacks, LGBT, Asian or other “minorities.”  Mandating diversity by replacing iconic characters that traditionally were “white” robs blacks and other so-called minorities of creating their own unique cultural mythos and stories that should be passed down to generations.  Little girls had Wonder Woman, Princess Leia, Supergirl, Lieutenant Uhura, Daisy Duke, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Catwoman, and Batgirl to idolize.

Recasting females in traditionally male roles robs generations of girls of role models already waiting to be discovered.  The same goes for African American heroes like Black Panther, Black Lightening, Lieutenant Uhura, and Shaft.  “Reimagining” minorities in as iconic white characters deprives blacks, Asians, women, Hispanics from establishing their own mythos and creating their own stories and adventures.

James Bond is a white man.  The Honeymooners were a traditionally Conservative white family.  The Twilight Zone was a popular classic because it was hosted by the eccentric Rod Serling, a white male.  That is not enough for this Cultural Bolshevik who surmises that the obvious reason there are not enough black superheroes, or Jewish ones, is because of racism.

For Berlatsky, a Social Justice Soviet endorsed by Twitter, and online media, racism is a growing phenomenon originating in white nationalist support of Donald Trump.


Once again a Social Justice Soviet falsely corroborates white nationalism and “Alt Right” counterculture as a social phenomenon solely empowered by the campaign and Presidency of Donald J. Trump.  What Social Justice Soviets like Berlatsky fail to realize is that nationalist sentiment among Americans, and a long simmering white nationalist social movement arose from the hyper politically-correct and Socialist culture of Barack Obama following eight years of failed Globalist neo-conservative meddling in the American workplace and the Middle East.  Never mind the fact that Barack Obama and his campaign networks frequented Black Nationalist circuits.  

Berlatsky’s latest Social Justice Soviet piece, sponsored by fakenews NBC News (online) pushes anti-white cultural and socialvabhorrence to the extreme:

By Noah Berlatsky

White kids, racism and the way privileged parenting props up an unjust system

White children are everywhere, but their whiteness is too often invisible and unspoken.

Teaching people to be anti-racist doesn't necessarily address the structure of racism itself.

“White children are everywhere!”  Their “whiteness” is too intimated and invisible!  Could this headline be anymore racist and anti-white?  Interchange “white” with “black” or “jewish” or even “immigrant” and the Social Justice Soviets would active the outrage People’s Commissar.

The Social Justice Soviet continues:

This past October, my son and his classmates lobbied their small private school to change the official holiday of Columbus Day to Native People’s Day. My son wrote a short letter to the faculty explaining why they shouldn’t celebrate white imperialism, and that native peoples were too often ignored or erased or pushed to the side in discussions of American history. Some parents didn’t like the change, but the teachers and administration were supportive, and they changed the name.

As you’d imagine, my wife and I were very proud. We’d hoped to teach our son anti-racism, and here he was doing anti-racist activism in his own small way. We were glad we’d sent him to a school that encouraged kids to speak up, and was open to change.

One of our ongoing societal challenges will be figuring out ways to move beyond individual education and address the root issues of inequality — and our role in upholding them.

At the same time, though, the school is a private school. Sending kids to private school is an option you only have if you have a certain amount of money. In paying for him to go to that school, we were at least partially abetting a system that benefits more affluent people. And affluent people in the U.S. are often (though not always) white. We sent our son to a school that taught and encouraged anti-racism. But teaching people to be anti-racist doesn’t necessarily address the structure of racism itself. In fact, racist structures often determine who does and does not have access to these kinds of educational opportunities. One of our ongoing societal challenges will be figuring out ways to move beyond individual education and address the root issues of inequality — and our role in upholding them.

Margaret Hagerman, a sociologist at Mississippi State University, talks about these difficult contradictions in her book, “White Kids: Growing Up With Privilege In a Racially Divided America.” Hagerman spent two years with 30 families in a midwestern city observing affluent white parents and their children and interviewing both groups about race and racism. She babysat, took kids to activities and listened in the car as they gossiped. Some kids claimed that black students in their schools sold drugs and were dangerous. Others talked about ways in which black friends were unfairly singled out for punishment, or even had their bathroom access restricted.

Hagerman found important differences in the ways that parents talked to their children about race, and important differences in the ways that kids responded. But she also found that white parents — even anti-racist white parents — actively reproduce inequality.

Hagerman found important differences in the ways that parents talked to their children about race, and important differences in the ways that kids responded.

It may seem like there’s already more than enough writing about white children. After all, the vast majority of children’s literature is about white kids. But, Hagerman told me by phone, “while there is a lot of writing about white kids, there is not a lot from a critical race perspective. Much of the developmental psychology literature uses white kids as the sample, but doesn’t interrogate what whiteness means or how it situates them in society.” White children are everywhere, but their whiteness is effectively invisible and unspoken.

Some parents, Hagerman found, preferred to keep race unspoken. Families she interviewed in a wealthy, conservative suburb, for example, tended to avoid the topic of race with their children. “They adhered to a color blind way of thinking,” Hagerman told me. “They would say that race doesn’t matter, or that we’re beyond race.” One girl told Hagerman that in her school, they weren’t even allowed to say the word “racist” — it was on a list of forbidden words that also included homophobic, sexist, and racist slurs.

Kids from these families were so worried about being labeled racist that they were reluctant to identify people as black or white. Yet, obviously, the children could see racial differences — and when pressed they would sometimes say things that were racist. Hagerman reports white children telling her that black children got in trouble in school because of the way they were raised. One 12-year-old white child told Hagerman that police treat white people worse than black people — an argument contradicted by a mountain of evidence.

People who identified as more politically liberal were much more willing to acknowledge the existence of racism, and to talk to their children about it. Many of these parents identified as specifically anti-racist, and were determined to teach their kids to work against bigotry and inequality. Parents encouraged their kids to do charitable work, for example, both in their own communities and on (expensive) overseas trips.

Yet, as Hagerman told me, “all of these families in their own ways were participating in the reproduction of racial inequality.” Children were sent to private school, or when they went to public school benefited from private tutors or enrichment classes. Even community service can reproduce racist ideas. It’s hard to see people as equals when you always have power over them, or when your primary experience with them involves giving them charity.

The spectacle of well-intentioned people working, half unconsciously, to solidify and perpetuate their own power is not an encouraging one. “I feel like my findings are pretty dismal,” Hagerman admits. “When you have people who have a lot of wealth alongside this racial privilege, they’re ultimately making decision that benefit their own kids, and I don’t know how you really interrupt that.”

Hagerman’s findings do offer at least one glimmer of hope. White children, she found, don’t automatically reproduce the racial ideology of their parents. One white boy she interviewed, for example, disliked his private school in part because he felt the children were too privileged and too racially isolated.

On the other hand, children of anti-racist parents would sometimes use racist stereotypes or make racist comments. Kids aren’t copies of their parents, which means as a society they can become better…or worse. “I don’t want to paint this as, ‘we’re all going to be okay because of the kids!'” Hagerman told me. But the possibility for change is at least potentially positive.

As for white adults, Hagerman says, if they really want a less racist world, they may need to rethink how they approach parenting. “Everyone is trying to do the best for their kid,” she says. “But I actually think that there are times when maybe the best interest of your own kid isn’t actually the best choice. Ultimately, being a good citizen sometimes conflicts with being good parents. And sometimes maybe parents should decide to be good citizens over being good parents.” That could mean voting to raise taxes so to better fund public schools. Maybe in our case it should have meant choosing a public school rather than a private one.

Of course, as a parent, you want the best possible future for your child. But the best possible future should include a society that isn’t organized around racism. Hagerman’s book is a careful, painful and convincing argument that when white people give their children advantages, they are often disadvantaging others. Racism is so hard to overturn, in part, because white people prop it up when they work to make sure their children succeed.

Noah Berlatsky


The racial oriented abhorrence from Berlatsky the Social Justice Kommissar against American whites with European heritage is contemptible.   Progressives promote social justice and diversity, fighting for equality against racism – yet proactively place a race card in marginalizing European heritage in the United States.  Social Justice Soviets originate from the same academic anti-American conditioning Berlatsky is molded from; revulsion of European history and culture; marginalizing European accomplishments and inventions, white guilt

In his closing argument, Berlatsky suggests “raising taxes to better fund public schools.”  The amount of ignorance and lack of factual basis from this argument is appalling.  In 2016, The Chicago Board of Education unanimously voted to approve a controversial $5.4 billion budget for the Chicago Public Schools, including a property tax hike to fund teacher pensions in the public education system.  $5.4 billion.  Is that not enough for Berlatsky?  The problem is not funding for public schools to fight evil white racism; the problem is that most African American students in Chicago’s public schools are probably too busy browsing World Star Hip-Hop, or their social networking feeds to even care.  Surely there is no correlation between a $5.4 billion budget increase Chicago Public Schools and the epidemic of gang violence there?

So according to Social Justice Commissars, parents must teach their kids to condemn racism, so we can expect black youth to condemn rap music, and the highly popular Chicago-based Nation of Islam?

Note that Berlatsky’s own son is enrolled in a Chicago private school.

Predictably, Berlatsky has called for the end of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in combating “hate speech,” an opinion endorsed by NBC News, a (fake) mainstream media outlet.  Berlatsky’s anti-white hatred and hyperfeminist attacks against white Christian men are prevalent.  Cultural Bolshevism (German, Kulturbolschewismus) is thriving in the United States and Western Europe, enforced by Big Tech and Silicon Valley, employing a political Soviet Commissary of social media platforms.

Our writers are working on an opinion piece that highlights a few of the problems with black people and illegal immigrants along with some simple steps they can take to make themselves less troublesome to the rest of us.  We cannot wait to see it published by @NBCnews.

Finally, it is well known Antifa is a threat to public safety and to Conservative commentators.  It comes as no surprise that Noah Berlatsky, self-described “freelance writer” is a close supporter of Antifa:

Condones Antifa attempting to break in to Tucker Carlson’s home
Supports Antifa “direct actions” on the streets
