Facebook Is A Digital Monolith of Orwellian Oppression
© 2019 Crucible Media Inc.

Silicon Valley and the academic establishment work to engender anti-white socio-political narratives, and policy.  Silicon Valley’s “Big Tech” social media monoliths subvert foundations and accomplishments of Western Culture.  Anti-white sentiment narratives get pushed in social media, a catalog of victimization and history of oppression of non-whites becomes more detailed.

Transitioning into a recognized victim of “white oppression” is the way to gain social status and to obtain the right and celebrity-tier respect of social fame.  The outrage culture of social justice soviets wants a class-less, culture-less, non-ethnic, morally degenerate Marxist superstate. Their main battle lines are digital. Virtual Reality will see battles erupt for the soul of Western (white) men.

Social Justice Soviets in Silicon Valley hunger.  The hunger is not only by Internet Non-Player Characters, but by the dopamine rush of Liberalist peer validation.  Hunger for peer validation and cult-celebrity is unrelenting. The amount of sharing, likes, retweets, and ‘favoriting’ content contributes to micro-celebrity cults.  Achieving social media “trending” status opens the floodgates to social-political aggregators.  Social networking is now a massive data mining and social-political aggregator for Globalists.

Modern social media is a concentrated mass digital war against free peoples speaking on behalf of traditional and conservative values.  Facebook is taking the lead in a systemic psychological war against the traditional values of Western heterosexual (white) men.  Facebook’s own employees came forward as whistleblowers, reporting on dystopian oppressive working conditions.  A report from The Verge reveals new details about the appalling working conditions at Facebook’s content moderation site in Tampa, Florida and Phoenix, Arizona.

Former content moderators working for Facebook’s vendor, Cognizant, agree to break their nondisclosure agreements to go on the record about the conditions.  Workers report a dirty office environment, pressure to work through illness and shocking videos they were forced to watch.  Collectively, the Facebook whistleblowers described a workplace that is perpetually teetering on the brink of chaos.

  • Moderators in Phoenix will make just $28,800 per year — while the average Facebook employee has a total compensation of $240,000.
  • In stark contrast to the perks lavished on Facebook employees, team leaders micro-manage content moderators’ every bathroom break. Two Muslim employees were ordered to stop praying during their nine minutes per day of allotted “wellness time.”
  • Employees can be fired after making just a handful of errors a week, and those who remain live in fear of former colleagues returning to seek vengeance. One man we spoke with started bringing a gun to work to protect himself.
  • Employees have been found having sex inside stairwells and a room reserved for lactating mothers, in what one employee describes as “trauma bonding.”
  • Moderators cope with seeing traumatic images and videos by telling dark jokes about committing suicide, then smoking weed during breaks to numb their emotions. Moderators are routinely high at work.
  • Employees are developing PTSD-like symptoms after they leave the company, but are no longer eligible for any support from Facebook or Cognizant.
  • Employees have begun to embrace the fringe viewpoints of the videos and memes that they are supposed to moderate. The Phoenix site is home to a flat Earther and a Holocaust denier. A former employee tells us he no longer believes 9/11 was a terrorist attack.
The Verge reported on Facebook’s outsourcing tech services to Cognizant and working conditions at various locations mirroring scenes from the fictional film, “1984.”

“Facebook has expanded its workforce of people working on safety and security around the world to 30,000. About half of those are content moderators, and the vast majority are contractors hired through a handful of large professional services firms. In 2017, Facebook began opening content moderation sites in American cities including Phoenix, Austin, and Tampa. The goal was to improve the accuracy of moderation decisions by entrusting them to people more familiar with American culture and slang.

Cognizant received a two-year, $200 million contract from Facebook to do the work, according to a former employee familiar with the matter. But in return for policing the boundaries of free expression on one of the internet’s largest platforms, individual contractors in North America make as little as $28,800 a year. They receive two 15-minute breaks and a 30-minute lunch each day, along with nine minutes per day of “wellness” time that they can use when they feel overwhelmed by the emotional toll of the job. After regular exposure to graphic violence and child exploitation, many workers are subsequently diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and related conditions.”

Politico reports:
Facebook and its Silicon Valley Soviets wield more power than the federal government, de-platforming and doxing private citizens it wants to destroy because of their non-Marxist political views. The mysterious purge (and equally mysterious re-establishment) of some Dissident Right YouTube accounts reveals Silicon Valley collusions against conservatives and whites.  Conservative websites have been stripped of payment processors or access to them after attacks by Leftist journalists and “nonprofits” like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.

The loss of a YouTube account can mean the end of a creator’s career even if it existed outside the political firestorm.  Some individuals have been banned from Airbnb or Uber or have lost their personal PayPal accounts, lost employment, even forced to relocate not because of any violation of terms of service or illegal activity, but because of not being a Cultural Bolshevik.

The Conservative Inc (Neo-Con) cop-out “Build your own platform” has turned into “build your own web hosting,” “build your own servers,” “build your own crowdfunding site,” “build your own social media,” and “build your own payment system.”  The Silicon Valley Politburo seems to be tending towards “build your own country.” 

Not content with purging Conservative accounts, Facebook banned pro-life, anti-abortion content, banned Christian content citing theologians, banned a Country music band for patriotic content, banned a reputable academic report on immigration, even flagged the Declaration of Independence as “hate speech.”  Facebook publicly lied and stated the flagging was an “algorithm mistake.”  Zuckerberg also was caught directing Facebook to employ contractors to transcribe users’ audio chats from its Facebook Messenger app.

Zuckerberg, who is jewish, denied biased censorship while testifying under oath before the U.S. Congress in April 2018.  The platform is known for enabling child-trafficking, and psychological experimentation.  Facebook weaponizes and exploits Leftist mob mentality.  Facebook even suspended pages that shamed child traffickers and pedophiles!

Facebook and Leftist rebuttals “Facebook is a private company” is not accurate under a partnership with an Globalist neoconservative group, the Atlantic Council. The Globalist network is made up of groups tied to the pharmaceutical industry, the military industrial complex, and federal government. The Atlantic Council is funded in part by the United States government, they are making decisions for Facebook on who ispurged, this negates Leftist-Globalist claims that the company is “private.”

There are dozens of Globalist neoconservatives and former Obama, and Hillary Clinton staffers, advisers, and campaign associates who fill Facebook’s executive cabals.  Facebook’s claims to be a private entity are false.  The corporate monolith is literally made up of and advised by dozens of politicos.  But it is never enough. Censorship and invasions of privacy is never enough for Globalists.  According to Breitbart’s Allum Bokhari, an internal Facebook document reveals that the social media giant monitors its users’ offline behavior as part of how the company determines whether a person should be classified as a “Hate Agent.

If you praise the wrong individual, interview them, or appear at events alongside them, Facebook may categorize you as a “hate agent.”

Facebook may also categorize you as a hate agent if you self-identify with or advocate for a “Designated Hateful Ideology,” if you associate with a “Designated Hate Entity” (one of the examples cited by Facebook as a “hate entity” includes Islam critic Tommy Robinson), or if you have “tattoos of hate symbols or hate slogans.” (The document cites no examples of these, but the media and “anti-racism” advocacy groups increasingly label innocuous items as “hate symbols,” including a cartoon frog and the “OK” hand sign.)

Facebook will also categorize you as a hate agent for possession of “hate paraphernalia,” although the document provides no examples of what falls into this category. –Breitbart

Facebook could brand individuals (whites likely) a hate agent for “statements made in private but later made public,” according to reports.

Social Media is nearly succeeding in silencing Nationalist sentiment, their endgame is to reconfigure society tied together by a global network where race and culture are eradicated. Whites are losing their voice en masse and Globalists are publicly celebrating.  Cultural and technological reckoning is inevitable against anti-Western (white) Globalists subverting Western Culture and advancement.

The development of paramedia should foster unanimity and advancement for a rekindling of Western (white) Civilization.  Paramedia will link networking, blockchain technology, and computers directly to the human body.  The impact of hyperconnectivity with nanotechnology is easy to underestimate.  Western Civilization must reclaim its racial memory to conquer the stars.

The hive that is Paramedia is a new kind of technological nervous system or ethereal limb that will propel Western science and space exploration.  Paramedia develops parallel to nanotechnology.  Social networking has proven to be a Globalist (international Bolshevik) undermining of Western Civilization.  The old web frontier is part of a dying matrix, Meta Inc. attempted to rebrand itself in its quest to trap humans in a permanent state of addiction to virtual reality.  Anti-Western, anti-white platforms like Facebook must be liquidated, executives brought to justice for its crimes of fraud, treason, embezzlement, and child trafficking.

In order for Western Civilization to breech the bounds of time and space, we must separate and create their own exclusive tech and networks.  The darknet is the future.


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