Bestselling author Reza Aslan calls for eradication of all Trump supporters – Twitter does nothing.

Reza Aslan, a bestselling author and CNN political commentator in a social media post designated all Trump supporters as “white nationalist,” calling for their “eradication.”

Reza Aslan, a former CNN commentator who engaged in cannibalism on his CNN series, Believers, called in a Twitter post for the eradication of President Trump’s supporters. Aslan labeled all Trump supporters as white nationalists and equated hats from Trump’s Make America Great Again movement with the Ku Klux Klan.

The cannibal Aslan has somewhat faded from Liberal globalist circles since CNN cancelled his Believers television series.  In January 2019, in the midst of the media savaging of a group of Kentucky Catholic high school students were accosted by an American Indian activist, Aslan called for violence against a student prominently featured in circulating videos of the incident. When conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza called him out on it, Aslan doubled down by saying he wanted to assault Mr. D’Souza.

His show on CNN was devoted to showing other religions as violent and hateful, and Islam as benign and peaceful. Aslan is popular with Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups in the U.S.: he has also spoken at events sponsored by the Muslim Students Association, a Muslim Brotherhood (Zionist) funded group, as well as at an event co-sponsored by the Los Angeles chapter of the Hamas-sponsored Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Despite getting his show cancelled, Aslan is a prominent CNN contributor and liberal intellectual. On August 4, 2019 Aslan called for the “eradication” of Trump supporters. In a series of aggressive tweets directed toward the President and those who voted for him, Aslan remarked – in response to the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas – that President Donald Trump “is a white nationalist terror leader.”

Arguing that there was “no longer any room for nuance” Reza openly called for the genocide of white Trump supporters. “The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters – ALL OF THEM – are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And his evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.”

In the same series of tweets, Aslan called Kellyanne Conway “”’the depraved evil’” we need to eradicate,” following her remarks that Americans needed to come together in solace after the El Paso mass shooting.  The Left incessantly complains of President Trump’s rhetoric while ignoring the blatant anti-white violence in their own ranks.

Armed with dehumanizing language, Aslan’s call for the “eradication” of the Left’s political opponents echoes a unified front of the Left Wing in America politics.  His characterization of Trump supporters as an “evil, scourge” is rooted in the language of Stalinist Communist propaganda and other architects of 20th-century Communist atrocities.

While Twitter Soviet Commissars led by pedophile enabler CEO Jack Dorsey who endorses pedophilia on his social media platform, routinely censor dissident conservative accounts, anti-white anti-Western violent rhetoric is endorsed by Twitter.  Twitter will suspend accounts incorrectly address transgenders. Reza Aslan is a social and political influencer who openly called for violence against white conservatives. Twitter did nothing.

