Multi-platform Publisher and Magazine Atlantic Praises Chinese Communism

Progressive magazine and multi-platform publisher The Atlantic in a recent opinion-editorial praised Chinese Communist response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and digital censorship.  Globalist and American Leftists love affair with Chinese Communism rivals the Marxist social uprisings of the 1960s in America. The Left’s drooling swooning love affair with Marxism, now subtly repackaged as “Democratic Socialism,” is on the precipice of peak political violence and civil war.

Authors Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith and University of Arizona College of Law professor Andrew Keane Woods praise Chinese Communist censorship of COVID-19 statistics in China. The Communist-sympathizer professors are both tenured at their respective academic institutions.  Their op-ed headline reads, ““Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal,” reads the op-ed’s headline. The academic’s sub-headline swoons over the Chinese Communist Party, “In the debate over freedom versus control of the global network, China was largely correct, and the U.S. was wrong.”  Silicon Valley has engaged in a cross-platform Soviet-style mass-censorship campaign against Conservative speech on the Internet. What exactly do these professors see as normal discourse in the Trump era?

What do the new American Commissars conclude American liberties “got wrong” where China “got right?” The Harvard Communists explain:

“In the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control of the network, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong. Significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with a society’s norms and values.”

Goldsmith and Woods continue on decrying possible misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and that once the pandemic subsides or levels out, societal normalcy post-Coronavirus will be altered irrevocably.  New Orwellian restrictions on “growing harms resulting from digital speech” will expand, further speech control will not abate post-Coronavirus.

“We live – and for several years, we have been living – in a world of serious and growing harms resulting from digital speech. Governments will not stop worrying about these harms. And private platforms will continue to expand their definition of offensive content, and will use algorithms to regulate it ever more closely. The general trend toward more speech control will not abate.”

The Atlantic article is written from a totalitarian endorsement that completely disregards American liberties and guiding principles of free exchange of ideas on digital intermediaries.  Digital public spaces always trend to Conservative narratives and polity in uncensored freedoms of exchange.  Many in the American “news media” aside Silicon Valley, sports athletes, and politicians praise Chinese Maoism.  Leftist blanket praise of Communism comes under the guise of “Democratic Socialism” and increasing racial antagonism against European derived peoples and Western Culture.

Goldsmith and Woods openly call for greater restrictions against the free exchange and commons of polity and dialogue online:

“In the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control of the network, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong. Significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with a society’s norms and values.”

China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong.  Imagine if a well established Conservative publisher like the National Review had stated, ‘In the great debate of the past few decades about freedom versus censorship, Nazi Germany was largely right and the United States was largely wrong.’  The Leftist outrage-screech would be unending.  Communism has never been right. History has proven time and again Communist-Marxist thought a societal failure during peacetime and war.

How should culture adjust to a digital future when in the present, the mainstream news media have been caught lying to save face, before truth?  Politically correct praise of China, is the united terrorism of the cultures of low, zero, and negative trust in a systematic assault on Western Civilization and Culture.

The ultimate goal of cultural Marxism is to slowly and systematically dilute and subvert white, Western culture, paving the chaotic way through a class-less, culture-less global superstate with “Greater Israel” as the driving political and financial force. Social Justice Soviets enforce Marxist theory today in cultural institutions, in the academic world, in the mass media, and their social media politburo.

Frederich Engels wrote,
All the…large and small nationalities are destined to perish…in the revolutionary world storm… A general war will wipe out all…nations, down to their very names.  The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only reactionary classes…but…reactionary peoples.”  (The Magyar Struggle, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Jan. 13, 1849) After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Marxist theorists Antonio Gramsci of Italy and Georg Lukacs of Hungary-concluded that Western Culture was the final obstacle standing in the way of a Bolshevik new world order.
