Memetics and Mind Conditioning
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Initiates of the Invisible Schools are Agents who pull at the fabric of time and reality.  Here begins the involution of overlapping timelines, memetics and metaphysics; the Twilight of the Gods.  Hidden throughout the conflux of time and history’s shadows, Initiates of Vril power utilize the Third Eye; they reproduce across generations by means of plasmic emanations from their ethereal bodies; the divine light of the Black Sun courses through their veins.

It is the Age of Lead, the Kali Yuga, the Darkest Age.  And the Archetype of the Shadows and Chaos will also have necessity to be able to work for a world ever more materialized, ever entropic from the Earliest Light, with his followers, with his bodies, with his golems and his anti-blood, with his mechanized chromosomes and genes.  Here we have the Jew Kabbalist – secret master of black magic.  And the Great War of the Worlds without end.  In truth, War of memetics and metaphysics.

The incarnation of the Lord of Darkness as invoked by black magic Kabbalists is not completed through one race or set of occultic systems but with an anti-race and with a contra-initiation, to use an expression of Rene Guenon.  This anti-race antecedent to contemporary Judaic and Islamic black magic, nevertheless practices a racialist scientific and wise politics, absolutely strict, so that in comparison the National Socialist racial dispositions seem like child’s play!

The black magic Kabbalist, be he Jew or a “mystic” Muslim, uses porn, drugs, socialism, multiculturalism, homosexuality, pedophilia, laziness and all manner of vice to gain their power. Americans have been exceptionally good goyim for them, destroying Christendom in Europe, promoting multiculturalism and funding anti-monarchist movements from the beginning.  All democracies are golems, just as all socialist utopias are.

This Talmudic magic has been put into practice for millennia, as a religious-racist code dictated by their Archetype and confirmed by a Pact of Black Magic including blood sacrifices as the best way to make their Pact effective.  Communication is maintained and expedited by the anti-blood thanks to mysterious “eugenic” and “racist” dispositions.  Therefore, the anti-religion of an anti-blood is Kabbalistic.  An obscure theo-ethnology only the initiated Rabbis and Kabbalists could ever grasp.

Racialist politics, the religion of the anti-blood, so to speak, imposed on the unaware and conditioned populations by the black magic Kabbalist Jew, is a fanatic science, which he can never resist.  If, that is, it seems necessary to take doses of non-Semitic genes, but not too much to lose their animal characteristics and traits that they must keep as signs of their elect status as “Yahweh’s chosen” (in this way and no other), preferred by their Archetype, by their infrahuman Demiurge.  Marriage with non-Jewish women is forbidden to them (the transgression confirms the law).

All the Rothschild’s and aristocratic bloodlines must marry Jews.  And if this does not happen it is because the Black Synagogue has allowed it, keeping other collusions in mind.  In truth, as has been said, the racism of this anti-race makes those intended by National Socialists seem an infantile game.

Chaos magicians, who are the occult captains of the Jewish International Kabbalist, worship chaos and decay.  A true magician <Kek> worships possibility.   The difference between worshipping is in the mystery of that pact with a non-human entity who needs it because only through it can he fulfill his ends of dissolution and chaos, plunging towards nothingness and carrying his War against the representatives of the other light to its consummation.

The International Jew Kabbalist will give them the material world as promised always on condition they obey his subtle Talmudic laws, especially with the special arrangements that affect the anti-blood.  And they render cult and sacrifices unbeknownst to uninitiated men.

Dark Beings live by those sacrifices and feeds from the lives of his servants through the most power form of magick – sex magick.  The pact must include the clause on non-eternity, on non-immortality, permitting only the triumph of the Kingdom of dense matter, of the power of this matter.  A dead black magician is forever disappeared into the abyss, into the bottomless belly of the Golem.

So the black magic Kabbalist Jew, who then imposed on his people the most terrible racialist Talmudic laws historic times have ever known, claims to be “God’s chosen people.”  And this happened at the moment in the history of the earth when the Lord of Darkness decided to use an instrument apt for fulfilling the work of disintegration, in the eternal war against the divine Sons of Another Light.

At the extreme opposite from the pure blood of Gentiles there must be maintained the constant impurity (that continuum) of the Jewish blood.  And it is this anti-blood and by it that the Lord of Darkness establishes the Pact with his “chosen people,” appropriating the name of Jehovah, a Canaanite God.

In order that this pact can never be betrayed, it must establish itself on the horrific sentiment of Racial Sin.  The mix with other undesirable Gentile bloodlines is not sufficient.  It must be completed through abysmal mixing with diablerie.  From thence the sheidim of the Bible.  In this way a Pact of Black Magick is realized in an emotional symbiosis and psychic cohabitation. Rabbinic cohabitation.

The animalistic features of the Jews show themselves over generations of mixing with diablerie and Semitic bloodlines.  Any face of a leading Jew, especially of the rabbis, shows traits of an animal totem.  The sin committed against the laws of sacred harmonies is something that cannot be erased.  So says Jeremiah: “Even if you wash yourselves with bleach, your sin is sealed before me, saith the Lord Jehovah.”  (Jeremiah II. 22)

To seal metaphysically the accords of this pact between the Archetype and its people they invented Deuteronomy,” attributing it to Prophet Moses.  Then the Talmud, then the Qur’an.  The Renewed Covenant is signed with the Archetype as a notary contract.  The certifying notaries were the rabbis.  They were Esdras, the Black Synagogue and Nehemiah, not Moses, who were the true inventors of Judaism with their 13,600 laws, with their racialist curse, their government of Talmud; the Kahal, that arid community that Henry Ford compared with the Comintern of old Soviet social conditioning.

There are two approaches involved in mind-control practiced by black magic Kabbalists colluding in secret a global agenda.  The first is psychic and social conditioning of the individual, to fulfill specific tasks, and the second is indoctrination of entire societies, to induce their compliance with certain objectives.  MK-Ultra grew out of the research in psychiatry related to the field of eugenics, first developed by the Germans prior to World War II.

Through the Tavistock Institute, three families, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans, together with British Crown agencies, jointly sponsored much of these social engineering projects, which called for the killing or sterilization of people whose heredity made them a racialist burden to the Global Kabbalist Black Synagogue.

The Tavistock Institute’s projects were a follow-up on the work of the German scientists, known as Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, or the Frankfurt School, which focused on the study and criticism of culture developed from the research of psychologist Sigmund Freud.  As an atheist, Freud believed that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed upon the psyche during childhood.  Sigmund Freud was a recognized “crypto-Shabbatean” in the Jewish communities.  Freud, when he was made aware of the Lurianic Kabbalah exclaimed “This is gold!” and asked why these ideas had never previously been brought to his attention.

In his book Moses and Monotheism, Freud makes clear that, as in the case of the Pharaohs of Egypt, incest confers god-like status on its perpetrators.  In the same book, Freud claims that Moses was an Egyptian, in an attempt to discredit the origin of the Torah conferred by him.  Freud was a student of Shabbetai Zevi’s Kabbalist teachings, and that his attack on Moses was an attempt to abolish the law in the same way that Zevi attempted.  The Frankfurt School converged on the thesis that mass media could be used to induce “regressive mental states, atomizing individuals and producing increased lability”, in other words, creating passivity by fostering racial and procreative guilt.