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Generation X is the first generation adaptive to technological singularities and artificial intelligences.  Generation X is a pioneer in technology, reverse engineering the brain and human genome to secure the existence of our people and Western Civilization’s reach beyond the stars.  An inevitable crucible and global cultural shift away from Globalism notwithstanding, Western Civilization is fast approaching technological singularity.  Social media is fragmenting and will continue to fracture into sociopolitical demographics until the internet is balkanized and net neutrality is weaponized.

Paramedia will evolve past internet balkanization and weaponized net neutrality, creating a new network of artificial intelligence and ethnogenic awakening.  Paramedia will replace the Internet in the next step of human evolution.  The goal of humanity must be to conquer and colonize beyond the stars, extending evolution and Western Civilization.

Technological singularity it will not come with a leap and bound into artificial intelligence, it is already in development through nanotechnology.  As the World Wide Web evolved from client and server applications, and the Internet originated in ARPANET, Paramedia stems from a future network of networks.

Paramedia is not a droned mindless hive; rather, it is a future metaconnection of streaming, cloud tech, social media, socio-predictive planning, P2P applications and transfers.  This network of networks is likely to emerge in the 2030s.  Yet only after human crucible and racial reckoning under populist sociopolitical shifts.

Just as China and the Islamic bloc countries are not ready for a free Internet exchange, or the sub-Saharan continent’s inability to maintain infrastructure enough for sustained and uninterrupted internet services, or the leading paranetwork of Social Media companies in “Silicon Valley” inability to practice free expression of ideas – Paramedia will function for the less developed.

Before the weaponization of a balkanized Internet,  X, the former “MTV Generation,” spearheaded a renaissance of entrepreneurialism in digital media.  From CompuServe to smartphones and nanotechnology, computer networking and online interaction has wired us into a global hive of instant communication.

Technology in the 1980s fascinated Generation X with IBM, Macintosh, the Space Shuttle Program, and video recording technology and engineering.  We had tech idols.  Like a fantasy saga written by J.R.R. Tolkien, or George R. R. Martin (because if you want to be a successful writer, you need at least two initials in your name), today’s technological empires have their aristocracy and fiefdoms merging into one globalist paranetwork.

Globalist networks have digital tentacles across multiple platforms in video streaming, blogging, media, pornography, and now politics.  Silicon Valley, the Federal Government, Hollywood, and networks of free users cherishing anonymity are locked in an Endgame of Thrones to determine control of Paramedia.

The major players in the information renaissance were all in their thirties or at the least, late twenties when they were recruited by the globalists for their online fiefdoms.  Facebook is the largest globalist network which defies definition as a social media platform or publisher; it is a globalist experiment at psychological and data mining.

Its demographic began with Generation X refugees from the uncouth wider Web and digital vestiges of Myspace.  The network’s current primary demographic is the “Boomer” generation and billions of East and South Asian user accounts.

Generations unremittingly negotiate the balance of individual freedoms and collective social order.  Social media like Globalist platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google, and YouTube are contrary to a critical rebalancing of the Internet’s founding vision of unfettered personal and digital connectivity.  Paramedia will render these globalist platforms ineffective relics.

How would these globalist platforms end up as relics? Social networking relic Myspace was incorporated in 2003 by Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson.  It was later acquired by News Corporation in July 2005 for $580 million.

From 2005 until early 2008, Myspace was the most visited social networking site in the world, and in June 2006 surpassed Google as the most visited website in the United States.   In April 2008, Myspace was overtaken by Facebook in visitors and popularity with Generation X.

Social networking sites have changed from being the place where users from millennials to Baby Boomer parents, share information about themselves to being social networks where users succumbed to peer pressure, and voyeuristic curiosity hence creating an age of internet celebrities.

Social networking became an integral part of existence for different generations.  Yet what happens if you are not online?  For some it is as if they are digital ghosts, anonymous webslingers, ceasing to exist in the digital universe and at times in real world.

Online ghosts can raise a red flag to potential customers, new friends, or potential mates.  If you are not online, you are not part of what is going on in social life today, not hip to the latest trends and news about your favorite show, favorite pub, and what your kids or best friends did this weekend.

More and more people who have been resisting social networking have now given in because they know it is part of life.  It is a tool often for the exceptionally mindless, voyeuristic, puerile, cyber-celebrities, cult-like fanaticism with e-celebs like launching and ‘crowd-funding’ a start-up; stoked by narcissism; nostalgia, euphoria of recognition. Social networking is a multidimensional pleasure for real-world non-player characters.

Originating with military applications in its DNA, the Internet evolved exponentially into a global public utility weaponizing information.  Social Networking feeds an endless hunger for information and social validation. Managing the entertainment networks behind the cult of celebrity is always a Globalist financier with ethno-political ties to Israel.

Social networking creates more outlets for achieving fame than in the past, more marginal than previous generations, there are also more celebrities today who are famous for nothing more than gaming or pornography-lite, whose celebrity status is ephemeral.

The rise of social media popularity reflects endless hunger among people for ‘reality’—for stylized reality.  This hunger for ‘realness,’ is futile, because the environment is manufactured. People, or “normies” use social networking in conjunction with other platforms to build a comprehensive, digital identity.

Augmented reality differs from virtual reality in that it applies digital identity to the real world instead of creating a virtual experience from scratch.  Virtual Networking is the next phase in social networking, with potentially dire consequences in Paramedia.

The hunger is not only by Internet non-players, but by the popularity of these networks and peer validation.  In the end, hunger for peer validation and cult-celebrity is often unrelenting. The amount of sharing, likes, retweets, and ‘favoriting’ content contributes to micro-celebrity cults.  Achieving social media “trending” status opens the floodgates to social-political aggregators.  Social networking is now a massive data mining and social-political aggregator for Globalists.

Facebook’s 2014 unethical experiment of emotive manipulation on its userbase, yielding to Turkish Islamo-Jihadist and Chinese Communist censorship, using “social credit” modules designed by Chinese Communist developers, selling user data to Cambridge Analytica in 2018, Twitter having majority ownership of its stocks under the Jihadist House of Saud – mass social media censoring of Conservative accounts since 2016 is all indisputable evidence of endorsed bias against peoples of European heritage.  Modern social media is a concentrated mass digital war against free peoples speaking on behalf of traditional and conservative values.

Orwellian military social network research has been ongoing over the past decade initiated by Obama’s Globalist financial contributors as part of the DOD’s efforts to leverage “open source intelligence” and use social network analysis to gauge increasing Nationalist sentiments.  Each social platform has a group of influencers, each of which has their own socio-political objectives, with their own emphasis. The goal is to coerce their followers—users in the social platform of these people but remain unaware of high-level Globalist objectives.

Permanence online is transient.  On social media, identity is a performance and brand.  When Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, he gave it away freely. His employer, CERN, put the Web into the public domain for anyone to use. An open architecture that supported the free flow of information is now weaponized by Globalists pushing their ideological hatred of Western Civilization and Culture and commercializing it.  This is primarily a feat of social engineering.

Social networking appeals to non-player character userbase because in a sense, they are version of the Internet, a Net within the Net, one that connects where the larger World Wide Web cannot.  Information is addictive, especially from people we love, admire, or fear.

As social networking balkanizes into socio-political platforms, the Internet will stream into one architecture, enhanced by a Technological Singularity in nanotechnology and artificial intelligence.  Technology exponentially increases the potential of Western Civilization and Culture; the printing press, telegraph, radio, Internet are all forerunners of Paramedia.

Paramedia is not a monolithic or placeless ‘cyberspace;’ rather, it is a new technological singularity, used by people ready for such a reckoning.  Not all users will be ready or capable of integrating Paramedia into culture and society.  China, Africa, the Islamic failed states of the Middle East, Israel – these societies have failed to integrate the Internet as a functional and free utility. By the  mid-2020s, virtual reality and augmented nanotechnology will change innovation forever for the West allowing our culture and civilization to conquer and colonize the stars.

The attractive nature of virtual- reality worlds will also lead to serious addiction problems for many, as we lose minds to alternate realities.  Globalist social media is attempting to blur current national boundaries with a culture-less, class-less, race-less Orwellian superstate.

Social Media is succeeding in silencing Nationalist sentiment, their endgame is to reconfigure society tied together by a global network where race and culture are eradicated. Whites are losing their voice en masse and Globalists are publicly celebrating.  Cultural and technological reckoning is inevitable against anti-Western (white) Globalists subverting Western Culture and advancement.

The development of paramedia should foster unanimity and advancement for the greater good of Western (white) Civilization.  Paramedia will link social networking and computers eventually directly to the human body.  The impact of hyperconnectivity with nanotechnology is easy to underestimate.

The hive that is Paramedia is a new kind of technological nervous system or ethereal limb that will propel Western science and space exploration.  Paramedia develops parallel to nanotechnology.  Social networking has proven to be a Globalist undermining of Western Civilization.  The old web was frontier is now being rewritten.

Western Civilization will cross a biological and technological threshold that will secure the future of our existence for generations.  Paramedia is presently in its early stages of research and development as military applications streamlining virtual reality, blockchain technology, nanotechnology, and noetic sciences.

Paramedia will evolve not only from Technological Singularity but from cultural crucible and reckoning in Western Civilization.  The West faces a crucible of cultural and ethnic displacement, wrought by Globalist anti-Western economic and social policy.  Paramedia will reconnect the West in unanimity and leave behind cultures mismatched with technology; China, the Middle East, Africa, Southern Asia.

A new Western unanimity must not be a metaphysical blend of new age quackery; or another Globalist EU collusion, but a scientific diagnosis of sociopolitical maladies.  Scientists will utilize Paramedia platforms in space exploration to propel us past the deeps of space.  Once the balkanization of the Internet and social networking reaches a crucible within half a generation, Paramedia will develop from new high-tech nervous system and singularity.

The Genome was constructed by an inventor far more intelligent than human imagination.  Paramedia break down reality tunneling of the past, assisting in a technological reset and renaissance of Western Civilization and Culture.  The DarkWeb is the new home of Mind.  We are agents who pull at the fabric of space and time.